Founder’s Message
A message from the Founder, Nazzareno Vassallo
On behalf of everyone at Vassallo Group I welcome you to our official company website. I hope that it meets your expectations, and allows you to discover more about our various companies as well as our working culture.
The Group has been in operation since 1946, and is today one of Malta’s largest corporate players employing over 1,900 people working within a number of economic sectors, including Construction and Property Management, Care and Elderly, Bespoke Furniture, Hospitality, Catering, Sustainable Energy and Education.
One element that we have worked hard in transmitting through this page is our strong commitment to the continuous development of the company, by consistently improving and growing within our respective divisions.
Our motto is ‘Building on Success’ and this is what we will be striving to achieve for years to come, as we continue to consolidate the sectors within the Group. At the same time, we look forward to the future and all the exciting business opportunities and challenges that it might bring. Of course, this would have never been possible without the constant dedication and collaboration of all our staff members, without which none of our success would have ever been possible.
I trust that you will enjoy navigating through our site, however should it not answer all of your questions, we look forward to hearing from you.