“Pledge for Parity” was the theme chosen for this year’s international women’s day which is celebrated every year on the 8th of March. Once again, Vassallo Group chaired by Mr Nazzareno Vassallo organized a lavish lunch for all its women employees.
The event was held on the 7th of March at the Salini Resort in Salini.The guest of honor for this year was Parliamentary Secretary for Rights with Persons with Disability and Active Ageing, the Hon. Justyne Caruana. Some 100 female employees attended the event which included the directors, bankers, consultants and employees who work within the Group and its subsidiary companies.
In her welcoming speech, Group’s Director and CareMalta’s CEO, Mrs Natalie Briffa Farrugia spoke about the need to appoint more women to directorship positions. She said that although much has been done on this part, there is more work that can be done in order to have more women appointed to high level positions.
Vassallo Group’s Chairman, Mr Nazzareno Vassallo said that the Group believes in the potential of women at the place of work. He proudly stated that today, 62% of the group’s workforce is made up of women, a 3 percent increase over last year. He explained that CareMalta itself employs more than 700 women.
Parliamentary Secretary, Justyne Caruana thanked Mr Vassallo for this special invitation and praised him for this initiative. She said that only very few companies would stop from their daily work routines to commemorate such an important event for all their female employees.
All women were presented with a special gift at the end of the event. The luncheon was prepared by Cateressence, a leading Catering company which forms part of the Group.